Microsoft DOS ipconfig Command:
IPCONFIG is a Microsoft DOS command which displays the network settings. One can use various command line switches with IPCONFIG.
IPCONFIG by default shows the IP Address, Subnet Mask and the Default Gateway.
ipconfig [/ all] [/ release] [/ renew] [/ flushdns] [/ displaydns] [/ registerdns]
There are various switches which we can use with IPCONFIG:
- / all –> Displays the detailed information of all the adapters.
- / release –> Releases the current IP addresses of all the adapters.
- / renew –> Renews the IP configuration of all the adapters.
- / flushdns –> Flushes the DNS resolver cache.
- / displaydns –> Displays the DNS entry.
- / registerdns –> Renews DNS client registration on DNS.